Afterall this is Life....

Thursday, July 13, 2006

We are three"Feni,Shiv and Sugi" when we joined this Project in our firm. Straight from college, though we three are from different colleges and places, we had a fun time at office...Starting from taking long breaks to gossiping about our Boss, it was all fun....We don't have thoughts alike...though something binded us....

It is now this "Shiv" friend of ours resigning his job and decided to pursue his studies abroad...Today is his last day...."I should tell you, this is THE VERY BAD feeling of missing someone and don't know when can we see them again!!! People come and poeple go..But only a few a leave a foot print at heart....And you are one of them..Afterall this is life....
posted by Feni at 4:22 PM, |


How true!! you know feni, at first we may feel that this pain of parting is so cruel...but that's one of the purest forms love can take...blessed u are...for very few can truly love!!
this happens to very one.. very very true ofcourse!!!
happens feni... but such is life... i guess when we look at it that way, we have just One who stays with us through our life and beyond... unfortunately, we fail to acknowledge the fact....
I have gone through (in fact might still be) the same feelings that u have been... but this day shall pass too... remember, the person might have just left in person... the memories remain forever....